

Monday 14 November 2016

Photos: Dad of 2 year old girl expelled by school after her parents reported injury on her face, writes to Lagos Govt

Tunde Etim-Esin‎, the father of the injured little girl, wrote this open letter/.petition to the Lagos State Government, seeking for help on the alleged negligence of Remmok School and the violation of the rights of their child. Must Read:
A Petition against Remmok School on account of their gross negligence and child right violation.
Dear Sir / Ma,The above subject refers My 30 month old daughter, Miss Doxa Etim-Esin is a Kindergaten 2 student of the above named school situated at 57, Sarah Faboyede Street, Bucknor Estate, Transformer Bus Stop, Oke-Afa, Isolo, Lagos .
Apart from being in the school within school ours, we also paid for after school care to be provided for her until we pick her up later in the evening.

On Tuesday, October 25, 2016, I got to the school premises at about 7.30pm and upon checking her body before picking her up from there, i noticed her right eye was bleeding. I was alarmed! I beckoned on the small boy she was left with and all he could say was...."I dont know what happened. It's not our fault."

At this point, I was left with no other option but to raise an alarm. The proprietress' daughter came out and maintained that whatever happened to my daughter was not their fault. At this point, I was so traumatised to keep calm. I kept demanding for explanations but got none. The proprietress' husband came out at that point to say I had no right shouting in his premises. I explained that whatever must have happened was big enough to warrant my raising an alarm. He ordered me out of his residence. On of the daughters also flung my child's school bags at me insisting the accident was not their fault.
I reported the issue to the nearest police station and the next day, the school management was invited. Based on their arrogant disposition, the DPO charged the teacher and she was detained. A few hours later she was released. After this scenario, we made it plane that our displeasure was basically the fact that a 30Months child had an accident where adults were around and was left without even first aid treatment for the next 5hours.

After the kid resumed school, we started getting signals that no one ever paid any form of attention to her. we doubt she had been allowed to stay in her right class. Being that the term was nearly over, we had planned to move her to a new school in the new term.

To our greatest surprise, the school, on Monday, November 7, 2016 inserted a dismissal letter in her school bag which was to be effective the very next day.

This is our concern. How can a school be so heartless towards children? Where was she supposed to be the next day? Did they make any arrangement or provision for a smooth transfer for the child? She is supposed to be in school with the other kids but she's been denied that right.

Remmok School is not fit to keep children since they even admitted they do not have what it takes to take care of them and keep them safe. The Proprietress equally admitted she is not knowledgeable in running a school.

We need justice for our little girl. We have been traumatized, as well as hospitalized throughout this incidence. We want the school to take responsibility for all the hospital and time expenses we have borne and also bear the cost of the school fees of the new school she will be enrolled in.

We also plead with the Ministry of Education to review Remmok's license to run a school.

If these are considered, we shall be grateful, on behalf of Miss Doxa Etim-Esin.

Looking forward to your assistance.

Kind regards,

Tunde Etim-Esin

See a copy of the letter the school sent Mr & Mrs  Ettim, below...

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